Patch 9.0.5: Die bisherigen Klassenänderungen vom PTR

Den bisherigen Aussagen der Entwickler zufolge wollen sie den seit gestern Abend auf dem PTR von WoW vorhandenen Patch 9.0.5 unter anderem dafür nutzen, um eine Reihe von Spielbalanceänderungen zu veröffentlichen und problematische Fähigkeiten, Legendaries, Paktfähigkeiten und Medien ein wenig anzupassen.

Den bisherigen Aussagen der Entwickler zufolge wollen sie den seit gestern Abend auf dem PTR von WoW vorhandenen Patch 9.0.5 unter anderem dafür nutzen, um eine Reihe von Spielbalanceänderungen zu veröffentlichen und problematische Fähigkeiten, Legendaries, Paktfähigkeiten und Medien ein wenig anzupassen. Auch wenn diese Testphase gerade erst gestartet wurde und sich in den nächsten Wochen noch viel ändern kann, so beinhaltet die derzeit auf dem PTR vorhandene Version von Patch 9.0.5 aber zumindest schon einmal die ersten von den Entwicklern geplanten Balanceänderungen für die spielbaren Klassen von WoW. Folgend findet ihr eine übersetzte Übersicht zu den wichtigsten Anpassungen und einige von Data Minern verfasste umfangreichere Übersichten.   Die wichtigsten Balandeänderungen aus Patch 9.0.5: Fleischformung erschafft in Patch 9.0.5 einen wesentlich größeren Schild und die Schadensreduzierung beim Kanalisieren wird verstärkt. Todesritter: Recht des Todes (Nachtfae) und Fesseln der Unwürdigen (Kyrianer) werden verstärkt. Dämonenjäger: Teufelsverteidiger und Wiederholter Erlass werden für Rachsucht-Dämonenjäger geschwächt. Futter für die Flamme wird überarbeitet: Your damaging abilities have a chance to call forth a demon from the Theater of Pain for 25 sec. Throw Glaive deals lethal damage to the demon, which explodes on death, dealing (175% of Attack power) damage to nearby enemies and healing you for 25% of your maximum health. The explosion deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Druide: Adaptiver Schwarm (Nekrolord) und Endloser Durst (Venthyr) werden verstärkt. Wiederherstellung: Verjüngung wird verstärkt. Jäger: Todeschakram (Nekrolord) und Schinderschuss (Venthyr) werden verstärkt. Magier: Todesgeboren (Nekrolord), Spiegel der Qual (Venthyr) und Strahlender Funke (Kyrianer) werden verstärkt. Mönch: Erneuernder Nebel und Beleben kosten weniger Mana. Paladin: Die Manakosten von Heiliger Schock werden erhöht. Hammer des Bezwingers (Nekrolord) wird verstärkt. Priester: Geisthülle wird geschwächt. Kuss des Todes und Kauterisierende Schatten werden verstärkt. Faewächter (Nachtfae) wird verstärkt. Schamane: Faetransfusion (Nachtfae), Vespertotem (Kyrianer) und Urzeitliche Welle (Nekrolord) werden verstärkt. Blitzschlagschild wird verstärkt. Hexenmeister: Unheilvolle Euphorie wird geschwächt. Drohende Katastrophe (Venthyr) wird verstärkt. Krieger: Bevorstehender Sieg wird verstärkt. Banner des Eroberers (Nekrolord) wird überarbeitet: Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 400 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%. Lasts 15 sec.       Covenant Abilities Abomination Limb (Blood) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Frost) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Unholy) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Runic Corruption. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Initial) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain . The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. Adaptive Swarm Command a swarm that heals [ 126% [ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals [ 120% [ 150% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by 20% 25%. Upon expiration, jumps to a target within 25 yards, alternating between friend and foe up to 3 times. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. Conqueror’s Banner (Arms, Protection, Initial) Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec. Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%. While active, spending 20 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory. Lasts 15 sec. Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec. Generates 4 Rage per sec. Conqueror’s Banner (Fury) Plant the Conqueror’s Banner in the ground, granting 20% maximum health and 10% critical strike chance to you and 2 allies within 15 yds of the banner for 20 sec. Brandish the Conqueror’s Banner, granting 0 Mastery and 30% increased movement speed to you and your 2 nearest allies, and preventing movement speed from being reduced below 100%. While active, spending 30 Rage and killing enemies grants you Glory. Lasts 15 sec. Glory increases your critical strike damage by 1% per stack, up to 30%, for 30 sec. Generates 6 Rage per sec. Convoke the Spirits (Balance) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 12 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. Convoke the Spirits (Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 12 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. Convoke the Spirits (Cat Form) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 12 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. Convoke the Spirits (Bear Form) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 12 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. Death Chakram Throw a deadly chakram at your current target that will rapidly deal [ 25% [ 31.6% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage 7 times, bouncing to other targets if they are nearby. Each time the chakram deals damage, its damage is increased by 15% and you generate 3 Focus. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. Deathborne Transform into a powerful skeletal mage for 20 25 sec. While in the form of a skeletal mage, your Frostbolt, Fireball, and Arcane Blast hit up to 2 enemies near your target and your spell damage is increased by 10%. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. 15%. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. Death’s Due (Blood) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by 1% 2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. Death’s Due (Frost) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by 1% 2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. Death’s Due (Unholy) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by 1% 2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. Death’s Due (Initial) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by 1% 2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. Decimating Bolt (Affliction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 120% [ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next Drain Soul by 100%. Decimating Bolt (Demonology) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 120% [ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Demonbolts by 100%. Decimating Bolt’s damage, and the bonus to Demonobolt Demonbolt both increase as your target’s health decreases. Decimating Bolt (Destruction) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 120% [ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Incinerates by 100%. Decimating Bolt (Initial) Hurl bolts of decimating magic at your target, dealing [ 120% [ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage and increasing the damage of your next 3 Shadow Bolts by 100%. Elysian Decree Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal [ 350% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. Fae Guardians (Discipline, Shadow, Initial) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by 10%. 15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate of a major ability by 100%. your target’s major ability by 150%. Fae Guardians (Holy) Wrathful Faerie: Any: Direct attacks against the target restore 0.5% Mana or 3 Insanity. Guardian Faerie: Reduces damage taken by 10%. 15%. Benevolent Faerie: Increases the cooldown recovery rate of a major ability by 100%. your target’s major ability by 150%. Fae Transfusion (Elemental, Restoration, Initial) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing [ 564% [ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release 40% 60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 allies near yourself. within 20 yds. Fae Transfusion (Enhancement) Transfer the life force of up to 4 enemies in the targeted area, dealing [ 564% [ 705% of Spell Power ] Nature damage evenly split to each enemy target over 3 sec. Fully channeling Fae Transfusion generates 1 stack of Maelstrom Weapon. 3 stacks of Maelstrom Weapon. Pressing Fae Transfusion again within 20 sec will release 40% 60% of all damage from Fae Transfusion, healing up to 4 allies near yourself. within 20 yds. Flayed Shot Fire a shot at your enemy, causing them to bleed for [ 87.5% [ 112.5% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 14 18 sec. Each time Flayed Shot deals damage, you have a 10% chance to gain Flayer’s Mark, causing your next Kill Shot to be free and usable on any target, regardless of their current health. Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant. and deal 25% increased damage. Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant. Fleshcraft (New) Form a shield of flesh and bone over 3 sec that absorbs damage equal to 40% of your maximum health for 2 min. While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Necrolord. Necrolord. Fleshcraft Form a shield of flesh and bone over 4 3 sec that absorbs damage equal to 20% 40% of your maximum health for 2 min. Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield, up to 50% of your maximum health. This is most effective against powerful enemies While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Can be cast in Cat Form, Bear Form, Moonkin Form. Necrolord. Necrolord. 10 yd range. 4 3 sec cast (Channeled). 2 min cooldown. Fleshcraft Form a shield of flesh and bone over 4 3 sec that absorbs damage equal to 20% 40% of your maximum health for 2 min. Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield, up to 50% of your maximum health. This is most effective against powerful enemies. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. Fleshcraft Form a shield of flesh and bone over 4 3 sec that absorbs damage equal to 20% 40% of your maximum health for 2 min. Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield, up to 50% of your maximum health. This is most effective against powerful enemies. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. Fleshcraft (New) Form a shield of flesh and bone over 3 sec that absorbs damage equal to 40% of your maximum health for 2 min. While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. Fleshcraft Form a shield of flesh and bone over 4 3 sec that absorbs damage equal to 20% 40% of your maximum health for 2 min. Channeling near a corpse claims their essence to grow the shield, up to 50% of your maximum health. This is most effective against powerful enemies While channeling, your damage taken is reduced by 30%. Passive: Moving near an enemy’s corpse consumes their essence to reduce Fleshcraft’s cooldown by 1 sec. Necrolord. Necrolord. 100 yd range. Instant. Fodder to the Flame (New) Necrolord. Necrolord. 40 yd range. Instant. Fodder to the Flame Commission a duel to the death against a Condemned Demon from the Theater of Pain. Vanquishing your foe releases its demon soul and creates a pool of demon blood that lasts for 30 sec. Fighting within the pool increases your Haste by 10% and reduces the damage that enemies deal to you by 10%. Fleshcraft treats the Condemned Demon as a powerful enemy. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. Fodder to the Flame (New) Your damaging abilities have a chance to call forth a demon from the Theater of Pain for 25 sec. Throw Glaive deals lethal damage to the demon, which explodes on death, dealing [ 175% of Attack Power ] damage to nearby enemies and healing you for 25% of your maximum health. The explosion deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Necrolord. Necrolord. Impending Catastrophe Call forth a cloud of chaotic anima that travels to the target enemy, dealing [ 20% [ 25.3% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage to enemies in its path. When the anima reaches the target it explodes, inflicting either Curse of Weakness or Curse of Tongues, and dealing [ 105% [ 138% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to all nearby enemies. Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant. Mirrors of Torment (Arcane) Whenever a mirror is consumed you gain 4% mana. Clearcasting. Mirrors of Torment (Fire) Whenever a mirror is consumed your Fire Blast cooldown is reduced by 4 sec. 6 sec. Primordial Wave (Enhancement) Your next Lightning Bolt will also hit all targets affected by your Flame Shock for 100% of normal damage. 150% of normal damage. Primordial Wave (Initial) Your next Healing Wave will also hit all targets affected by your Riptide for 100% of normal damage. 150% of normal damage. Radiant Spark Conjure a radiant spark that causes [ 76% [ 91.2% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage instantly, and an additional [ 41.2% [ 49.5% of Spell Power ] damage over 10 sec. The target takes 10% increased damage from your direct damage spells, stacking each time they are struck. This effect ends after 4 spells. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. Scouring Tithe Deal [ 60% Deal [ 54% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage instantly, and [ 90% of Spell Power ] over 18 sec. If the enemy dies while affected by Scouring Tithe, you generate 5 Soul Shards. If they survive, Scouring Tithe’s cooldown is refreshed. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. Shackle the Unworthy Admonish your target for their past transgressions, reducing the damage they deal to you by 5% and dealing [ 178.5% 8% and dealing [ 205.27% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage over 14 sec. While Shackle the Unworthy is active on an enemy, your direct-damage attacks that spend runes have a 50% chance to spread Shackle the Unworthy to a nearby enemy. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. Shifting Power Draw power from the ground beneath, dealing [ 189.4% [ 212.2% of Spell Power ] Nature damage over 4 sec to enemies within 18 yds. While channeling, your Mage ability cooldowns are reduced by 12 10 sec over 4 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant. Soulshape Balance, Feral, Restoration, Initial: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Guardian: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Increases armor by 220% and Stamina by 45%. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Toad, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wyvern, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Gryphon, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippogryph, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolfhawk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Feathered Drake, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolf, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moose, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Bear, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Raptor, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Nightsaber, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into an Owlcat Shadowstalker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Stag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Dragon Turtle, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Cobra, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hyena, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Tiger, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Lion, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Crane, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Teroclaw Shrieker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Unicorn Horned Horse, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moth, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Direhorn, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippo, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Kodo, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Saurolisk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Shoveltusk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Spider, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Yak, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Runestag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant. Soulshape Balance, Feral, Restoration, Initial: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Guardian: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Increases armor by 220% and Stamina by 45%. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Toad, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wyvern, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Gryphon, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippogryph, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolfhawk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Feathered Drake, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolf, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moose, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Bear, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Raptor, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Nightsaber, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into an Owlcat Shadowstalker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Stag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Dragon Turtle, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Cobra, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hyena, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Tiger, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Lion, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Crane, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Teroclaw Shrieker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Unicorn Horned Horse, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moth, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Direhorn, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippo, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Kodo, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Saurolisk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Shoveltusk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Spider, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Yak, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Runestag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant. 1.5 min cooldown. Swarming Mist A heavy mist surrounds you for 8 sec, increasing your Dodge by 10%. Deals [ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec to enemies within 10 yds. Every time it deals damage you gain 3 Runic Power, up to a maximum of 15 Runic Power. Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Venthyr. Venthyr. Instant. The Hunt Havoc: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 455.4% [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Vengeance, Initial: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 50% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant. Unholy Nova (Discipline) An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals up to 6 allies for [ 119% of Spell Power ]. allies for up to [ 150% of Spell Power ] based on number of targets. [Spell_AnimaMaldraxxus_Debuff] Unholy Tranfusion Deals [ 250% up to [ 280% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec. based on number of targets over 15 sec. Unholy Nova (Holy) Discipline, Holy, Shadow: An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals up to 6 allies for [ 119% of Spell Power ]. allies for up to [ 150% of Spell Power ] based on number of targets. [Spell_AnimaMaldraxxus_Debuff] Unholy Tranfusion Deals [ 250% up to [ 280% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 15 sec. based on number of targets over 15 sec. Unholy Nova (Initial) An explosion of dark energy infects enemies within 15 yds with Unholy Transfusion, and heals up to 6 allies for [ 119% of Spell Power ]. allies for up to [ 150% of Spell Power ] based on number of targets. Vanquisher’s Hammer (Holy) Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 170% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Light of Dawn. Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 136% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Light of Dawn. Generates 1 Holy Power. Vanquisher’s Hammer (Protection, Initial) Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 170% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Shield of the Righteous. Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 136% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Word of Glory to automatically trigger Shield of the Righteous. Generates 1 Holy Power. Vanquisher’s Hammer (Retribution) Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 170% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Templar’s Verdict to automatically trigger Divine Storm. Throws a hammer at your target dealing [ 136% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage, and empowering your next Templar’s Verdict to automatically trigger Divine Storm. Generates 1 Holy Power. Vesper Totem Summon a totem at the target location for 30 sec. Your next 3 damage spells or abilities will cause the totem to radiate [ 64% [ 80% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to up to 6 enemies near the totem, and your next 3 healing spells will heal up to 6 allies near the totem for [ 73% [ 91% of Spell Power ] health. Casting this ability again while the totem is active will relocate the totem. Kyrian. Kyrian. Instant. Wild Spirits Evoke the energy of Wild Spirits at the target location, dealing [ 25% of Attack Power ] Nature damage and apply Hunter’s Mark to all enemy targets within the area for 15 sec. While the Wild Spirits are active, each damaging ability you or your pet use against a target in the area will strike up to 5 nearby targets for [ 35% [ 38.5% of Attack Power ] Nature damage. Night Fae. Night Fae. Instant.   Death Knight: Abomination Limb (Blood) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Frost) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Unholy) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Runic Corruption. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Initial) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain . The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Blood) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Frost) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Unholy) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Runic Corruption. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Initial) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain . The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Blood) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Frost) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Unholy) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Runic Corruption. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Initial) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain . The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Blood) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain 3 Bone Shield charges. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain 3 Bone Shield charges instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Frost) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Rime. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain Rime instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Unholy) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain Runic Corruption. The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain Runic Corruption instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb (Initial) Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. dealing [ 307.7% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to 5 nearby enemies. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to 5 nearby enemies and pulls an enemy an enemy is pulled to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. The first time the limb pulls an enemy gain . The same enemy can only be pulled once every 4 sec. Abomination Limb can only pull the same enemy once every 4 sec. Gain instantly, and again every 6 sec. Abomination Limb Sprout an additional limb for 12 sec. Every 1 sec, it deals [ 25.76% [ 23.67% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage to all nearby enemies and pulls an enemy to your location if they are further than 8 yds from you. Necrolord. Necrolord. 40 yd range. Instant. 2 min cooldown. Death’s Due (Blood) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by 1% 2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. Death’s Due (Frost) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by 1% 2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. Death’s Due (Unholy) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by 1% 2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. Death’s Due (Initial) Death’s Due reduces damage enemies deal to you by 1% 2%, up to a maximum of 8% and their power is transferred to you as an equal amount of Strength. Death’s Due 1 charge. 30 sec cooldown. 30 sec recharge. 1 charge. Shackle the Unworthy Admonish your target for their past transgressions, reducing the damage they deal to you by 5% and dealing [ 178.5% 8% and dealing [ 205.27% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage over 14 sec. While Shackle the Unworthy is active on an enemy, your direct-damage attacks that spend runes have a 50% chance to spread Shackle the Unworthy to a nearby enemy. Can be cast in Undead. Kyrian. Kyrian. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. Swarming Mist A heavy mist surrounds you for 8 sec, increasing your Dodge by 10%. Deals [ 20% of Attack Power ] Shadow damage every 1 sec to enemies within 10 yds. Every time it deals damage you gain 3 Runic Power, up to a maximum of 15 Runic Power. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Can be cast in Undead. Venthyr. Venthyr. 1 Runes. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.   Demon Hunter: Elysian Decree Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal [ 350% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. 100 yd range. Instant. Elysian Decree Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal [ 350% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. 30 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown. Elysian Decree Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal [ 350% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. 100 yd range. Instant. Elysian Decree Place a Kyrian Sigil at the target location that activates after 2 sec. Detonates to deal [ 350% of Attack Power ] Arcane damage and shatter up to 3 Lesser Soul Fragments from enemies affected by the sigil. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Kyrian. Kyrian. 100 yd range. Instant. Fodder to the Flame Commission a duel to the death against a Condemned Demon from the Theater of Pain. Vanquishing your foe releases its demon soul and creates a pool of demon blood that lasts for 30 sec. Fighting within the pool increases your Haste by 10% and reduces the damage that enemies deal to you by 10%. Fleshcraft treats the Condemned Demon as a powerful enemy. Necrolord. Necrolord. Instant. 2 min cooldown. The Hunt Havoc: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 455.4% [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Vengeance, Initial: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 50% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant. The Hunt Havoc: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 455.4% [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Vengeance, Initial: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 50% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant. The Hunt Havoc: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 455.4% [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Vengeance, Initial: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 50% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. 50 yd range. 1 sec cast. 1.5 min cooldown. The Hunt Havoc: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 455.4% [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 25% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Vengeance, Initial: Charge to your target, striking them for [ 455% of Attack Power ] Nature damage, rooting them in place for 1.5 sec and inflicting [ 227.7% of Attack Power ] Nature damage over 6 sec to up to 5 enemies in your path. The pursuit invigorates your soul, healing you for 50% of the damage you deal to your Hunt target for 30 sec. Night Fae. Night Fae. 100 yd range. Instant.   Druid Adaptive Swarm Command a swarm that heals [ 126% [ 157.5% of Spell Power ] or deals [ 120% [ 150% of Spell Power ] Shadow damage over 12 sec to a target, and increases the effectiveness of your periodic effects on them by 20% 25%. Upon expiration, jumps to a target within 25 yards, alternating between friend and foe up to 3 times. Can’t be cast in Travel Form, Flight Form. Necrolord. Necrolord. 5% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 25 sec cooldown. Convoke the Spirits (Balance) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 12 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. Convoke the Spirits (Feral, Guardian, Restoration, Initial) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 12 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. Convoke the Spirits (Cat Form) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 12 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. Convoke the Spirits (Bear Form) Call upon the Night Fae for an eruption of energy, channeling a rapid flurry of 12 16 Druid spells and abilities over 4 sec. Soulshape Balance, Feral, Restoration, Initial: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Guardian: Turn into a Vulpin, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Increases armor by 220% and Stamina by 45%. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Toad, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wyvern, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Gryphon, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hippogryph, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolfhawk, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Feathered Drake, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Wolf, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moose, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Bear, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Raptor, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Nightsaber, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into an Owlcat Shadowstalker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Stag, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Dragon Turtle, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Cobra, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Hyena, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Tiger, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Lion, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Crane, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Teroclaw Shrieker, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Unicorn Horned Horse, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Moth, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into a Direhorn, teleporting 15 yds forward and increasing your movement speed by 50%. You may reactivate Soulshape every few sec to teleport again. Lasts 12 sec, or indefinitely while in a rest area. Soulshape: Turn into